17 April 2014

A Good News Day

Today, the principled action of an MP from the Green Party has made the headlines. Caroline Lucas was found not guilty in relation to the offence she was charged with at a peaceful protest in Balcombe. Shockingly, this has been the only truly national coverage the Greens have had in these European Elections, but for those interested in the issue of fracking, it is a powerful one. A North West Euro candidate, Laura Bannister, faces similar charges for protesting peacefully at Barton Moss. Many, many others also face trial and we owe each and every one of them a debt of gratitude for their stand against the climate madness that fracking would bring.

We've had coverage here in the North West after Left Unity endorsed me as the Green Party lead candidate in this region. It is a powerful endorsement that sends a message to those currently considering a reluctant vote for Labour, those who are expected to back NO2EU out of loyalty, and to other left of Labour political parties that might be standing here in the North West. Left Unity has had a lot of publicity in the last couple of months and their support will help us in this region. I personally want to extend my thanks to all of those who have been involved in making this happen.

Finally, at a local level in Liverpool, we've benefited from Natalie Bennett's visit today, in the form of some good local coverage in the Liverpool Echo with us highlighting smog related deaths locally.

More on the Left Unity endorsement tomorrow.

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