8 June 2014

Rising Greens: Manchester Central

When time allows, I'm going to have a look around the North West region at seats where a rising Green vote should mean a saved deposit at next year's General Election, with the potential to go beyond that and where based on local election figures, we potentially should be finishing as the second biggest party.

Today's choice is Manchester Central. Format is Party / Vote Share / Seats Contested (out of 8)

Labour 57.2% (8)
Green 13.3% (8)
UKIP 9.0% (3)
Tory 6.7% (8)
LibDems 4.7% (7)
Others 9.1%

This doesn't strike me as prime UKIP territory, but they probably would have polled around the same level of Local Election support as the Greens had they stood in every ward. What is clear is that if the Greens select a high profile General Election candidate early and we run a decent campaign alongside our 2015 Local Election effort, then a saved deposit seems almost certain and a double figure result very possible.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting blog there, but I disagree,

I'm pretty sure Greens got 12.3%, not 13.3% there.
City Centre and Hulme are the only wards there that are terrible for UKIP and good for Greens.

I think for MPs in Manchester, Greens should be looking further southward - they got 15.1% in Manchester Gorton and 16.6% in Manchester Withington. 2015 will be a tough year for Manchester Withington with much targeting from Labour and Lib Dems, but I'm confident that we could keep our deposit there and do well in it moving forward once John Leech is unseated.